Genuine presence is an important tool for effective results

PTM method® raises presentation and communication skills to a whole new level

Performance skills training at the Performance Skills Academy Ltd offers unique tools for improving presentation and communication skills. The academy brings together expert coaches from Finland and around the world.

PTM® performance skills training is based upon the PTM method® developed by the Academy. Techniques derived from theatre pedagogy and the experiences of professional performers have been developed specifically for application in the business environment.

Our services can also be accessed online, so presentation and communication skills can be improved as and when required.

In business, genuine presence is of prime importance. Those who can project their own personality in how they communicate come across as charismatic and memorable. When performing, all factors standing in the way of genuine presence should be put aside.

Let your personality shine through.

Why am I in this situation? Why am I talking about these things? What are the key messages I should convey? How can I influence the audience? All questions that may come to mind, but it’s all about how we project ourselves. Practice enables us to be confident and purposeful.

Practice makes perfect

We may not be able to control all our performances, but what matters most is how we react to differing situations. Excitement, conviction, clarity and passion should be channelled to avoid lifeless presentations. Leave the formulaic PowerPoint presentations behind and converse with the audience as human beings.

Using the PTM method® provides a unique opportunity to develop the most eloquent communication skills and bring much needed soul to corporate performances everywhere.

"You have left me with much ‘food for thought’ and some practical tools that I can use straight away. I hope that we will have the opportunity to work together again."

"Thank you very much for the training. I delivered a presentation last night, and it went very well. I felt a great connection with the audience."

"Thanks to you the event and panel discussion went very well. I got very good feedback, felt very comfortable and managed to maintain great eye contact with the audience."

"You were the absolute best and we couldn't have done it without you! I did my breathing exercises earlier – I'm still tired from traveling but I feel it helps."

"The training was great and focused on the key things required. I hope we’ll work together again soon!"

"The theater background was probably the most differentiating factor that made this training stand out from other similar ones. They kept things simple enough and emphasized the most important things - not just a collection of details."

"I have had other similar training and this was the best I've had so far."

"Thank you, you are amazing professionals!"

"Thank you for the inspirational training. We decided right after to start work on our own communication strategy from a whole new perspective."

"Thank you so much for the valuable feedback and exercises.
It was great to see from the video, how much changed even after such a short time."

"Very professional and encouraging! Our trainer, Ilkka, was 100% present for the whole day. Good package for one day!"

"Useful, different and mindblowing day. Now I am not afraid to perform anymore! Thank you!"

"There are very few who can truly help business people to perform at their best. Ilkka and Johannes can. Simply the best session where I have ever been."

We have also collaborated with:

Performance Skills Academy Ltd presents: Peter Franzén, Actor: On the life and well-being of a performer 15.09.2017

Performance Skills Academy Ltd presents: Coaching around the world. Behind the scenes of Supercell Clash of Clans

Performance Skills Academy Ltd presents: Krista Kosonen, Actress: On presentation skills and how to improve them 18.05.2017

Performance Skills Academy Ltd presents: Coaching Redrama’s team on the Voice of Finland TV show 31.03.2017

Flashes from the Masterclass Workshop of the Performance Skills Academy Ltd 12.09.2016

Performance Skills Academy Ltd presents: Peter Franzén, Actor: The importance of the person and humanity in performing 07.04.2016

Performance Skills Academy Ltd presents: Risto Honkanen, Senior Vice President, Mandatum Life: The meaning of performance skills in business 1.9.2015

Performance Skills Academy on Voice of Finland 20.03.2015

Ilkka Tyynelä at Huomenta Suomi Morning Show 13.05.2014

Ilkka TyyneläCEO

Krista Kosonen

  • Actress,
  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama

Minna Vainikainen

  • Choreographer,
  • Master of Arts in Dance Performance

Jenni Banerjee

  • Actress

Elina Knihtilä

  • Actress,
  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama

Pinja Hahtola

  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama,
  • Pedagogue

Peter Franzén

  • Actor,
  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama

Marc Gassot

  • Actor,
  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama

Taisto Oksanen

  • Actor,
  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama

Nora Mahmoud

  • Dancer,
  • Choreographer

Anu Sinisalo

  • Actress,
  • Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama

Minna Tervamäki

  • Ballet dancer,
  • Choreographer

© Performance Skills Academy Ltd, 2017